Jesus Died On The Cross That You
Might Have Live and Have It More Abudantly
The examples cited on this website review techniques and policies to increase church profits by some of the foremost Christian Ministries here in the United States by creation of modern day Slave Enforcement Units to enslave the less fortunate. President Trump's spiritual Advisor Paula White mistakenly believes you should give your first fruits to Jesus

Where Is It Written-Dont Turn My House Into Place of Business

Micha Ministries

Mark Staff Member
1013 Princess Anne St
, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Greensboro Urban Ministries

Director Mike Pearson
305 W Gate City Blvd
Greensboro, NC 27406

The Salvation Army

Former Captian Dohman
"The Punisher"
Case Manager James Stanley
2215 Park Ave
Lynchburg, VA 24501
"Heart To God Hand To Man"

Executive Director Bill Roscoe
New VP John McGee
Boise Rescue Mission
575 South 13th Street
Boise, ID 83702-6816
Jesus Kill The Leper-New Bible Doctrines?
Should Christian Ministries Immigrate To Your Country?
Dear Brother and Sister In Christ

You may have read or heard that Jesus the kind and loving Savior healed the Leper and is credited with raising the dead; making the blind to see; healing the lepers and many other miracles according to the Bible. As this particular webpage reviews the extermination of the elderly, disabled, and needy; some of our finest "Christian Ministries" have shown how to expunge these parasites from the land of the living. Our online fyi also touches on dispelling other traditional Bible myths against sinning in church. This Link In 1986 the United States sponsored a national survey of "Christian Ministries"; homeless shelters"; and social service agencies. This Link Surprisingly it was learned that many agencies were tied to organized criminal activities or engaged in terrorist activities An examination of the doctrines preached by many of these organizations are of questionable repute and have little discernable basis in scripture and many appeared to be engaged in profit making activities more typically found in cottage industries.

If you are an old fashioned belevier and want to make sure your "Christian Ministry" is serving God or and not Satan. you might consider examples of Model Christian Programs or the mystery guest program

Christian Ministries Shutting Down Services After Gang Attacks 2018

Secretary of HUD Ben Carson

US Department of HUD
451 7th Street S.W.,
Washington, DC 20410
(202) 708-1112

Alex Azar
Secretary of HHS
HHS Headquarters
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201

Seema Verma, Administrator

CMO Medicare
7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21244
The Devil Comes To Kill Steal and Destroy
US Dept of HUD-In Perpetual Bondage to Criminal Interest?
This link 30 years ago Secretary of HUD Samuel Pierce was described as a "token black" who spent most of his time playing monopoly in his office. HUD programs are operated by organized criminal interest using ministries to destroy billions of dollars of real estate and killing over 30,000 clients. The recent move to deny services to the elderly and disabled and lack of enforcment of criminal interest attacking shelters suggest the Trump Administration may not have the interest of the Christian Church at heart

Helen Alpert

Acting Inspector General
US Department of HUD
451 7th Street S.W.,
Washington, DC 20410
(202) 708-1112

HHS Inspector General

Daniel R Levin
PO Box 23489
Washington, DC 20026
Phone: (800) HHS-TIPS

Gale Stone Acting IG

Social Security Fraud Hotline
P.O. Box 17785
Baltimore, Maryland 21235
FAX: 410-597-0118

Union Rescue Misson of Western Maryland, Inc

Pastor Dave Ziler
16 Queen City Pavement
PO Box 1614
Cumberland, MD 21502

Muslim Brunson
4 Felony Counts
Allegancy Detention Center
Cumberland, MD
Don't Come Back The Community
Is Closing The Overflow Shelter
This link As Pastor David Ziler is explaining he signed a statment I reside on the shelter property; and his wife spent half a day on the phone with Social Security and social services explaining I would be residing in the disabled dorm (currently being used as winter overflow).

Pastor David Ziler went onto explain the community fathers were deeply concerned with past and current attempts by gangs to take over the facility and use it as a base of operations against down town business interest. While the origional use of the dorm for disabled persons was not a problem this small community does not need every bum, dope head, convict and other loser using the facility for substance abuse.

The Disabled Dorm Is
Permanently Closed
Although we where hoping to expand our ministry an maintain our cold weather shelter year round we have had to alter our plans do to safety concerns. Because of your letter to police agencies it has been recommended that we shut down our cold weather shelter on our normal schedule to address safety concerns andmake sure we maintain a secure facility. Please know we are not equipped to take care of persons with serious medical conditions and or disabilities.

Gods Love

Manager Dave Miller
533 N Last Chance Gulch,
Helena, MT 59601
Phone: (406) 442-7000

Cynthia Alarcon PA

Pureview Medical Clinic
Last Chance Gulch
Helena, MT 59601
Shelter Director Hospitalized In Attack
Chris Can't Have CPAP Machine
The shelter is closing its winter operations and asking most of it's residents to move on after an attack On David Miller Shelter Director which left him in the hospital and threats against his staff.

Pureview Medical Clinic

Last Chance Gulch
Helena, MT 59601
Pureview Medical Clinic
Unable Secure CPAP Machine
The Clinic attached to the shelter has tried for several months to secure a CPAP machine for the patient who suffers from sleep aspnea; blood clots in lungs; and partially collapsed lungs; Lincare refuses to fill the ORDER according to the staff unless the patient moves into HUD Housing....

Christian Ministries Killing the Elderly And Disabled In 2017-2018

Micha Ministries

Mark Staff Member
1013 Princess Anne St
, Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Phone: (540) 479-4116

Governor Ralph Norton

Office of The Governor
P.O. Box 1475
Richmond, VA 23218

Commissioner Schultze
Virginia Department of Social Services
801 E. Main Street,
Richmond VA 23219-2901
2 Hospitals Wants You Where?
Bite It And Die? 2017/2016
Link We told Mary Washington Hospital last year not to refer this sack of shit to our respite care unit. What does the asshole do? He returns and what does he want? Into the respite care or regular shelter. Now we have 2 hospitals calling up and explaining their patient has blood clots; broken hip; serious back injury; With 300 doctors and all the serious medical issues hopefully the parasite will die sooner than later
Our Moto: Love Kindness. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength…'Love your neighbor as yourself ' There is no greater commandment than these.” Mark 12:30-31
Pending Review By God And Angel of Death

Medical Facilities of America Inc
505 W Rio Road
Charlottesville,VA 29901
Didnt' We Already Kill This Guy in 2015? We tried to kill this person in 2013 and 2015 Why does he keep coming back-die already and get it over with?

Greensboro Urban Ministries

Director Mike Pearson
305 W Gate City Blvd
Greensboro, NC 27406

Rodney Greenfield

Convicted Felon With Gun
Murder Suspect Captured
With Gun In Bus Teminal
Accused Killing Girlfriend

Congressman Mark Walker

Health Oversight Committee
809 Green Valley Rd Suite 104
Greensboro, NC 27408
Phone: 336-333-5005
We Cater To Prison Based Gangs
Don't Send The Sickies Here
Link some fool social worker at Forsyth Hospital called up and wanted to know if we could provide bed rest to a disabled person-we said sure send him over. After the hospital spent $65.00 to send him here we had the patient sitting up in a hard chair all night to make sure he died of the blood clots in his legs. As you can see from the picture we cater to prison based gangs and persons returning from prison like Rodney Greenfield; arrested while carrying a gun in the bus station used to kill his girlfriend.

Greensboro Urban Ministry’s mission is to express the love of God to people in need through practical action in the Greater Greensboro area. We have served the Greensboro community since 1967.

Allied Area Allied Churchs

206 N Fisher St,
Burlington, NC 27217
Phone: (336) 229-0881
Alamance Area Allied Chruches
Jesus Said Bite It And Die 1-25-2018
As the Case worker at Forsyth Hospital heard of course we have empty beds and you can't send anyone here to receive services-Jesus said to fuck off and die AAAC Values: Caring; To create a caring place where all are loved, respected and encouraged with the dignity they deserve no matter who they are, where they came from, or what they did;

Kristopher D. Collins, MD

2405 Atherholt Road
Lynchburg Virginia 24501
434 485-8500

The Salvation Army

Former Captian Dohman
"The Punisher"
Case Manager James Stanley
2215 Park Ave
Lynchburg, VA 24501
"Heart To God Hand To Man"
Your Patient Has A Broken Hip
You Want US To Put Him In Bed Rest?
Link What does the doctor think we are running-A God Damn Charity or something? Your patient and his broken him is sleeping on a cot in the kitchen and not in a bed and hopefully will be in enough pain he won't come back again.Didnt' We Already Kill This Guy in 2015? We tried to kill this person in 2013 and 2015 Why does he keep coming back-die already and get it over with?

Timothy J. Heaphy, USA*

U.S. Attorney's Office
310 1st Street, S.W., Room 906
Roanoke, Virginia 24011
Charlotte, NC 28202

Chief Parks Snead

Lynchburg Police Department
905 Court St,
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 455-6050

Former US Attorney General

Eric Holder
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Christian Ministries Killing the Elderly And Disabled In 2016-2017

US Senator Cortez Masto, Catherine

400 South Virginia Street Suite 902
Reno, NV 89501
P: (775) 686-5750
F: (775) 686-5757

Mayor Hillary Schieve

1 E 1st St #15,
Reno, NV 89501
Phone: (775) 334-2001

Volunteers of America

Case Manager Mike Adragna
350 Record Street
Reno, NV 89512
Reno Nevada We Accomodate
Disabled And Abuse Everyone Equally
Reno is apparently the welcome and loving home to every bum, dopehead, convict, and loser in the western United States. The Volunteers of America Shelter is a lesion ozzing pus on the body of society which caters to persons on drugs; alcohol and frequent location for fights; threats of killings; and pulling of knives. I left town after a woman heaved a large rock past my nose. If you want to gamble and vacation I would suggest going to the Bahamas

Volunteers of America

2350 Paradise Dr,
Reno, NV 89512
Phone: (775) 331-4166
We are more than a nonprofit organization. We are a ministry of service that includes nearly 16,000 paid, professional employees dedicated to helping those in need rebuild their lives and reach their full potential.

Governor Steve Bullock

Office of the Governor
Montana State Capitol Bldg.
P.O. Box 200801
Helena MT 59620-0801

Director Richard Opper
Department of Public Health
and Human Services
111 North Sanders Street
Helena, Montana
(406) 444-5622

Executive Director Amy Thompson

Poverello Center
1110 W Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802
(406) 728-1809
We No Longer Provide Services To The Disabled
We Cater to Convicted Felons... 2011-2016
This Link: This Link It is obvious that neither the local Catholic Hospital nor Montana will give this person medical treatment; access to assisted living; and the smartest thing this guy did was leave Montana. Our shelter no longer provides respite care to sickies but is starting to cater to convicted felons returning to our golden parachute program

Pope Francis

Head of Catholic Church
The Vatican City
Rome, Italy

County Attorney Frank Van Valkenberg

Missoula County
Missoula MT
The Pope Wants This Guy Dead? Questioning Abuse of Children
Link For a person who is dying this guy spends a lot of time questioning the Catholic Churches extensive history of child abuse here in Montana and throughout the Pacific Northwest.How would a person propose to live in the Pacific Northwest and question the right of the clergy to some fresh meat?
The Poverello Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing food, shelter, clothing and other essential services to our community's hungry and homeless population in and around Missoula, MT. For the past 40 years, we have proudly worked in conjunction with community members, local groups, government agencies, and other organizations to fight the issues of homelessness, hunger, and poverty on all fronts – while fostering dignity and engendering hope.

Executive Director Bill Roscoe
New VP John McGee
Boise Rescue Mission
575 South 13th Street
Boise, ID 83702-6816
Jesus Killed The Leper; Boise Rescue Mission
$90.00 A Day for Taking Care of Parolees 2016
This Link We definitely got rid of the disabled, elderly, and needy a replaced them with $90.00 a day drug court kids. Former State Senator McGee resigned from office in 2012 after sexually harassing a staffer and joined the management team. A Parolee is reported to have shot 2 Boise Police Officers and killed a police dog while on a crime spree. The Rescue Mission's resident felon explained he is a former Marine MP convicted of sexual crimes and going to walk into FBI Office in Boise on Halloween with his great big gun and say surprise.

Manager Stuart Sampson
Convicted Felon Parole Violation 5/2015
Boise Rescue Mission

Director Richard Armstrong
Idaho Deparment of Health and Welfare
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0036

Acting Commissioner Carolyn Colvin

Social Security Administration
Windsor Park Building
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235
RESTORING FAITH, HOPE AND FAMILY ACROSS THE TREASURE VALLEY SINCE 1958. Founded in 1958, Boise Rescue Mission Ministries is a nonprofit organization committed to meeting the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of homeless and addicted individuals in the Boise and Nampa, ID areas. Our sole purpose is to see the lives of men, women and children in our community truly transformed.

Christian Ministries Killing the Elderly And Disabled In 2014-2016

US Senator John McCain

2201 East Camelback Road Suite 115
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Timothy Jefferies Director of DES

Arizona Dept of Economic Security
1717 W. Jefferson Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: (602) 542-4791

Primavera Foundation

702 S 6th Ave,
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 623-5111
Yes We Have An Open Bed
Sorry You Can't Have It 2016
This LinkDr. Martinez of Banner University Hospital gave you a referral for bed rest and respite care? We are sorry we have a bed; we did tell you to return from Idaho; you can't have it-please fuck off and die. We had 13 hospitals deny this guy appropriate medical treatment and forced him to leave to California

Everyone...deserves an equal opportunity to safe, affordable housing; employment; financial security; and a second chance. Everyone deserves a pathway out of poverty.

Phoenix Rescue Mission

Community Services Center
1801 S. 35th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85009
(602) 233-3000
Merry XMAS We Don't Accomodate
Persons Go Die Somewhere Else
Solutions Compassionate people like you make the Phoenix Rescue Mission a place of hope, healing, and transformation

Former Director Mike Foley

Casa Epseranza
Fired 2014 Embezzling Monies
816 Cacique Sreet
Santa Barbara, CA 93458
(805) 884-8481

Dr.Kelley Feeley MD

Emergency Dept
Cottage Hospital
400 West Pubelo Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93105-4353

Dr.Kelley Feeley MD

Emergency Dept
MR A903347
Cottage Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital
400 West Pubelo Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93105-4353
Dr Kelly Feeley ORDERS Bed Rest
For Swollen Legs 2016
This Link Dr. Feeley can't understand why 13 previous hospitals and doctors could not address a simple medical issue of respite care or partial bed rest Case Plan 12-29-30/2016 You Can't Access Winter Shelter You Are Not Local Resident The Parish nurse Jan develops a case plan for me to move into winter shelter program; however the shelters is fully occupied by every convict; bum; dope head; illegal alien and other screw up in the region The client filed a sucessful complaint in 2014 with California for abuse and closed the facility for 90 days

Casa Epseranza

816 Cacique Sreet
Santa Barbara, CA 93458
(805) 884-8481
"PATH is ending homelessness for individuals, families, and Communities"

California Health and Human Services Agency

Secretary Diana S Dooley
1600 Ninth Street, Room 460
Sacramento, CA 95814

PA Martin

Santa Barbara Public Health Clinics
345 Camino Del Remedio
Santa Barbara, CA

Secretary of Shawn Donovan

US Department of HUD
Washington, D.C. 20201
Several Death Threats-Client 2014
Run Out of Santa Maria, Ca Under Police Escort
Link We explained to Mr.Walters we cannot do his medical work as a result of political problems having filed a successfuly complaint in 2014 accusing the County of defrauding the government. After a number of threats from clients, a staffer; and some visitors Mr. Walters left on Amtrak to Oregon apparently under some type of police escort. The Former Secretary of HUD Shawn Donovan was promoted to Whitehouse Chief of Staff. Link 2016 Subsequent efforts to get medical services were quashed by political interest who made sure the client could not get medical treatment;proof again that snitches get stiches

Good Samaritan Shelter

401 W Morrison Ave,
Santa Maria, CA 93458
(805) 347-3338
"Our Vision-Good Samartian celebrates and fosters good relationships that create wellness and wholeness in an environment of hope within every human being

Christian Ministries Killing the Elderly And Disabled In 2011-2013

Union Gospel Misson

Tim Branch
Mens Shelter Manager
1224 E. Trent Ave.,
Spokane, Washington, 99202

Spokane Police Department

Chief Frank Straub Jr
Sacked for Conduct Unbecoming an Officer
West 1100 Mallon Street
Spokane, WA 92201

Secretary Janet Nepatoliano

US Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
Police and FBI Asked US
To Run Mr. Walters Out of Town 2013
This Link At the Rescue Mission we have never had students from Gonzaga University stalking a client on our property before. Having failed to run Mr. Walters off the FBI appeared on our property and explained Mr. Walters is a terrorist. After the desk manager explained to the FBI they were full of shit he threw them off the property. Mr. Walters took the FBI to USDC and they decided to remain silent Chris Walters vs. Michael Horowitz 2:13-cv-00001-TOR Walters v. Horowitz The Honorable Thomas O. Rice, Presiding Then the Spokane Police showed up and spoke to Mr. Walters; decided he broke no laws and no legal action was taken. The Director of Homeland Security elements of FEMA were shitcanned for using law enforcement and intelligence assets to destroy and emergency management network Mr. Walters operated This Link

This Link The Catholic Hospitals and Washington Stated did everything they could think of to impede or delay Mr. Walters medical treatment

Jenny A. Durkan
US Attorney
United States Attorney
700 Stewart Street, Suite 5220
Seatttle, WA 98101-1271

Former FEMA Director Dennis Hunsinger

Bothell, WA 98021-8627

Former Washington EMA Director

James Mullen
Olympia, WA
Purpose Statement: Partnering with the Inland Northwest to reach the poor with the love and power of the gospel so they may become God-dependent, contributing members of society.

Bethesda Mission

Asst Director Bill Christian
611 Reily Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102

Water Street Ministriexs
210 South Prince Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
You Don't Have A Friend In Pennsylvania
July 2012
This Link Pinncle Heatlh Care of Harrisburg, PA released this person from 10 day hospital stay into the Bethesda Mission however ever the Mission is not designed to accomodate disabled persons who need an elevator. We made a quick referral and dumped Mr.Walters into the Lanscaster Rescue Mission who permitted him to stay a 10 days and he then went to York, PA The York Mission is a small facility however seems to have the spirit to do a lot for the down and out and need

Since 1905, we have been restoring lives through rescue and renewal. We’re well known as providers of food and shelter for the homeless, but we go beyond that to create healing communities where lives are transformed.

HACC Changling Lives Homeless Shelter

136 Carlisle Street
PO Box 1561
Hanover, PA 17331

York Rescue Mission

367 W Market St
York, PA 17401-1009
We Don't Accomodate Disabled Persons
Carol J Hinkle
12:00 PM (1 hour ago)

Chris I am sorry that we cannot help you. We are not a place to recover. Also at this time our mens rooms are full

Carol Jo Hinkle
Executive Director /Operations Manager
Hanover Area Council of Churches

Mr. David C Badger
Marlise Kercheville
Kercheville & Badger PC
13750 San Pedro Avenue, Suite 700
San Antonio, Texas 78232

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Kathleen Sebelius
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201

US Marshal Robert Almonte

US Marshal Service
John H. Wood, Jr. United States Courthouse
655 East Durango Boulevard
San Antonio, TX 78206
Texas Terrorist Put Contract
To Kill Mr. Walters In Nuring Home In Boise Idaho 2011
This Link A self professed Texas terrorist who claims to be related to Mr. Walters sent tons of threat up to Idaho explaining had paid monies to the Republican Party to have Mr. Walters whacked by the government. This Link The Kindred Skilled Nursing home where Mr. Walters was really up set to receive a bunch of threats made against one of their patients and shortly discharged him out of concern for their safety and their other patients. The number of public officials who were run out of office for this stunt was rather substantial.

Sheriff Gary Raney

Ada County Sheriff Department
7200 Barrister Dr.
Boise, ID 83704

Bexar County Sheriff Ortiz

200 North Comal Street
San Antonio, TX 78207

Deputy Chief Ray Tores

San Antonio Police Department
Main Headquarters
214 W. Nueva SA, TX 78207

Christian Ministries Killing the Elderly And Disabled In 2009-2010

Union Gospel Mission

Michael Rideout, President/CEO
345 Commercial Street NE
Salem, O R97301
Jesus Killed The Leper-2010
New Bible Teaching-Salem, Oregon
This link On this page from April-July 2010 the State of Oregon and Medical providers made a substantial effort to address Chris Walters medical problems which costs taxpayers many tens of thousands of dollars. It also appears the US Department of Justice had to take over the State Mental Hospital amid allegations of serious abuse of clients. In the Bble we learn that Jesus is the kind and loving Savior who heals the disabled. In this community the New Bible teaching is that it is ok to use the church as a weapon to set aside medical treatment and inflict pain and misfortune on the person the church claims to exist to serve.

Former Oregon Governor

John Kitzhaber

Steve SloverDirector of Mens Ministries

Union Gospel Misson
345 Commercial St NE
Salem, OR 97301

Michael RideoutChief Executive Officer

Union Gospel Misson
345 Commercial St NE
Salem, OR 97301
Helping men, women and children break free from homelessness through the transforming grace of Jesus Christ.

US Circuit Court of Appeals

for District of Columbia
Before Chief Judge Sentelle, Tatel, and Garland
333 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

Director Robert Williams

Guilford County Department Social Services
1203 Maple Street
Greensboro, NC 27405)

Director John F. Clark

US Marshal Service
U.S. Marshal: George Walsh
U.S. Courthouse
3rd & Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 1103
Washington, DC 20001
We Tried to Cancel Mr. Walters SSI and Disability Benefits
-Defeated US Circuit Court of Appeals DC 2009
This Link The folks here in North Carolina decided to overrule the Social Security Commissioners final ruling and USDC and cancel Mr. Walters disability benefits. This Link The Samaritan Ministries in Winston Salem, NC took a lead in denying this person services for life. The Chairman of the Us Senate Committee on Judiciary The Honorable Senator Patrick Leahy reportedly appeared in Burlington,NC and neutered entire segments of the law enforcment community in North Carolina

North Carolina Bureau of Investigations

Post Office Box 29500
Raleigh, NC 27626

Congressman Howard Coble
Retired 2014
2102 North Elm St, Suite B
Greensboro, NC 27408-5100

Alamance County District Attorney

212 West Elm Street Room 210
Graham, NC 27253

Mr. Jake Cherry, President of the Board

San Antonio Rescue Mission
PO Box 120038
San Antonio, TX 78212-0038
Jesus Killed The Leper At The
San Antonio Rescue Mission 2009
This link Mr. Walters was hospitalized for 10 days for life threatening illness at San Antonio Baptist Hospital. The Hospital asked if they discharged him would we give him a bed-why sure. When he showed up we explained you are barred for life-fuck off and die elsewhere:

This page from Janurary-April 2009 concerns the attempt by the State of Texas to address Chris Walters serioius and life threatening medical issues. While the taxpayers shelled out tens of thousands of dollars for hospital and medical costs the San Antonio Rescue Mission was to derail the program as an apparent political stunt designed to snub government. While Texans snivel and bitch about the cost of government they seem to fall short on taking care of business.

Pastor John Hagee

The Bible Liar
Wants Nuclear War To Force Return of Jesus
Cornerstone Church

Governor Rick Perry

Prosecuted-Acquitted On Appeal
Office of the Governor
State Insurance Building
1100 San Jacinto
Austin, Texas

United States Attorney Johnny Sutton

US Department of Justice
601 N.W. Loop 410, Suite 600
San Antonio, TX 78216
Matthew 26:11 & 25:40 The primary purpose of the Mission is to acquaint the homeless and the wanderer with the priceless knowledge of the love and forgiveness of God in and through Jesus Christ. Our secondary purpose is to offer a bath, clean clothes, food and a place of shelter for the night. The San Antonio Rescue Mission came into being on October 22, 1975. This was the effort of a small group of Godly men desiring to meet the needs of “The Least of These”. This concern was initially funded by these men and later by many individuals, churches, business and civic organizations. We have ministered to over 250,000 men for the past 42 years.

Christian Ministries Killing the Elderly And Disabled In 2002-2006

Share House

P. O. Box 1209
1115 W 13th Street
Vancouver, WA 98666-1209
Share House Botches Assassination
12, 2006-Arnold Williams DSHS Secretary Fired
This link The letter on the upper right is a demand from an HUD vendor in Vancouver, Washington in 2006 that Chris Walters discontinue his medical treatment; stop asking for his SSI benefits and go look for a job. The Share House subsequently denied Chris Walters services during a major winter storm with the expectation that Chris Walters would either die or suffer severe injury as a result of exposure

US Senator Patty Murry

2988 Jackson Federal Building
915 2nd Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98174

Regional Commissioner Stanley Friendship

Social Security Administration Region 10
701 Fifth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104-7075

Robin Arnold-Williams DSHS Secretary

Washington State DSHS
PO Box 45130
Olympia, WA 98504-5130
OUR MISSION Share’s mission is to lead the hungry and homeless to self-sufficiency by providing food, shelter, housing, education, advocacy and compassion through the strength of our community.

Samaritan Ministries

Sonjia Kurosky Executive Director
414 E NW Blvd,
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
(336) 748-1962
We Tried To Kill This Person
For 10 Years-Winton Salem, NC 2000-2010
This link We spent years trying to prevent this person from receiving social security and finally spent years denying him medical treatment in the hopes he might do everyone a favor and die. This link Having tried everything we could think of we ran Mr.Walters out of town in 2010 with the blessings of the former United States Marshal
Our Mission Providing food, shelter and hope through Christian love.For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. . . I was a stranger and you invited me in. Matthew 25:35

Governor Mike Easley

Plead Guilty Felony
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC

Forsyth County District Attorney

The Honorable Tom Keith
Forsyth County
PO Box 20083
Winston-Salem, NC 27120-0083

Anna Mills S. Wagoner, USA*

P.O. Box 1858
Greensboro, NC 27402

Torres Community Shelter Partnership

Case Manager Patrick Clark
101 Silver Dollar Way,
Chico CA 95928
If You Drop Your Complaint About Butte County
Stealing Your Welfare Benefits You Can Stay Here 2002
This link The Community Partnerhip for Homeless is currently using convicted felons as part of their office staff and disappearance of US Mail; benefits; and food stamps would just naturally suggest suspect until Mr. Patrick Clark explained that he was involved as cited below: Case Worker Patrick Clark explained 12-9-2002 I could not stay at the homeless shelter beyound this last night because I declined to withdraw my federal complaints filed against Butte County for food stamp and welfare fraud.
Torres is more than just a place where people sleep. Torres is a comprehensive program where men, woman and families gain stability, income and housing. Our case managers help each adult address barriers like substance abuse, chronic health conditions and mental illness so they can recover their lives.

Butte County District Attorney

Michael L Ramsey
25 County Center Dr,
Oroville, CA 95965
(530) 538-7411

Scott McGregor USA*
US Department of Justice
501 I St # 10100
Sacramento, CA 95814-7306

SSA Regional Commissioner Peter Spencer

Social Security Administration
P.O. Box 4201
Richmond, CA 94804

Christian Ministries Killing the Elderly And Disabled In 1997 Forward

Captain Jim Wright

Manager Rusty Matheney?
Salvation Army Lodge
717 Spring Street
Tyler, Texas 75702

Former Alabama Governor

Don Siegelman
Convicted Federal Crime

Former Fl. Attorney General

Bob Butterworth
AKA Barbacue Bob
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394
Convicted Felon Says Medical Treatment 1997
Folks Are Calling Across Asking To Kill This Guy
Rusty M A Convicted felon asked Captian Jim Wright of the Salvation Army in Tyler, Texas to have me barred for life as he explained he was deeply offended that persons who don't work can received free medical attention-explained this graduate of Huntsville Prison. We have various concerns calling across from Florida and Allabama asking to have this person denied treatment for cancer-and then on to Washington State.The Bible very explicitly condemns turning God' House into a place of business-quote Jesus

Former Chief Judge

The Honorable Fred Biery
US District Court WDT
San Antonio, Texas 78206

Former Texas Attorney General

Dan Morales-Sentenced
4 Years In Federal Prison
No Longer Divine?

Former Congressman Dick Armey

House Majority Leader
Retired Due to Enron

The Honorable U.W. Clemon Presiding

United States District Court
Northern District of Alabama
1729 Fifth Ave North
Birmingham, Al 35203
Chris Walters,

Rober Videro
USDA Inspector General
Civil No: 4 97 CV 279 MP)

US Attorney General

Janet Reno
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

The Honorable William Stafford Presiding

United States District Court
Northern District of Florida
111 N Adams Street
Tallahassee, Fl 32301
Chris Walters, )
vs. )
Judith McCall )
CIV NO CV-97-AR-1802-S
Cancer Patient Instructed-Too Slap a Cop to
Get Something to Eat-August 1997
This link concerns"Barbecue Bob" Aka State Attorney General Bob Butterworth known nationally as "Barbecue Bob" for his work with Florida Electric Chair. Reportedly worked behind the scenes to help win Florida ruling for disabled cancer patient requiring surgery to slap a police officer upside of the head as part of his campaign against medicaide fraud. This should give you some insight as to what the medical, welfare, and legal system was doing instead of arranging minor surgery for cancer in 1996.

Modern Day King Ahab?

Modern Day Jezebel?

Modern Day King Jehu?
First and 2nd Kings: King Ahab; Jezebel
VS Elijah, Elisha, and King Jehu
In The Christian Bible are the books of First and 2nd Kings which concern a 2 generation battle between King Ahab his wife Jezebel the head witch; the 400 prophets of Baal and Elijah, Elisha, and King Jehu. The book is full of signs and wonders as God proves again and again whose God is God and eventually ends with the destruction of King Ahab; Jezebel; and the 400 prophets of Baal.

After the show down on Mount Carmel where the 400 prophets of Baal were executed God commissioned King Jehu fulfill his word against Ahab and Jezebel including the death of their entire family; the destruction of Baalism in Israel. As King Jehu fulfilled everything God commanded his children sat on the thrown of Israel for 3 generations.

Jones Town Massacre

Jonestown Massacre If We
Get Caught 900 Have To Die
Jones Town After 25 Year AP The Reverend Jim Jones and his hand picked hoodlums killed over 900 persons and a US Congressman Leo Ryan after being caught stealing welfare benefits from followers....
Mon Nov 17, 7:54 PM ET Add U.S. National - AP
By MICHELLE LOCKE, Associated Press Writer

OAKLAND, Calif. - Twenty-five years later, understanding the tragedy of Jonestown hasn't grown easier. "It's still an enigma what happened? How can we stop this from happening again?" says Jynona Norwood, who lost 27 relatives the night Jim Jones ordered more than 900 of his followers to drink cyanide stirred into fruit punch at the group's compound in the jungle of Guyana in South America.

On Tuesday, Norwood, a Los Angeles pastor, will mark the 25th anniversary of the tragedy with her annual memorial service beside a mass grave in Oakland where more than 400 victims are buried. Norwood never joined Jones' Peoples Temple, but her mother and scores of other relatives did. They were drawn by Jones' preaching of interracial harmony and caring for the poor. Jones was a political favorite, too, becoming chair of the San Francisco Housing Authority in 1976.

There were reports of fake healings and beatings, but followers stayed loyal. "After you've been in an environment that perpetuates that kind of craziness, you don't see it as odd or strange," says Yulanda Williams, who was able to escape with her immediate family months before the massacre. "We were sick, yet we didn't know we were sick." Jones retreated to Guyana in 1978, taking about 1,000 followers with him. Later that year, Rep. Leo Ryan led a delegation of journalists and relatives of temple members to Jonestown. Some members chose to leave with him and the party was ambushed at the airstrip; Ryan and four others were killed. Back at the compound, Jones ordered his followers to die, starting with the infants. Most victims were poisoned, some forcibly. Some were shot by security guards.Remembering Jonestown is hard, but important, said Norwood, who is campaigning to

Divine Reply

What Does A Holy God Require?

The eyes of the Lord are everwhere seeing the deepest secrets of the human heart to the most distant star; nothing is hidden from the Lord. Do you attend Church on Sunday and operate a "Christian Ministry" and hire convict labor to run it instead of giving your due and honorable service to God? Is your Ministry a place of service to the less fortunate or part of a multibillion dollar a year cottage industry which thrives on the abuse of others? Matthew Chapter 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

United Nations Security Council

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