Convicted Felon Says Medical Treatment 1997
Folks Are Calling Across Asking To Kill This Guy
Rusty M A Convicted felon asked Captian Jim Wright of the Salvation Army in Tyler, Texas to have me barred for life as he explained he was deeply offended that
persons who don't work can received free medical attention-explained this graduate of Huntsville Prison. We have various concerns calling across from Florida and Allabama
asking to have this person denied treatment for cancer-and then on to Washington State.The Bible
very explicitly condemns turning God' House into a place of business-quote Jesus
The Honorable U.W. Clemon Presiding
United States District Court
Northern District of Alabama
1729 Fifth Ave North
Birmingham, Al 35203
Chris Walters,
Rober Videro
USDA Inspector General
Civil No: 4 97 CV 279 MP)
US Attorney General
Janet Reno
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
The Honorable William Stafford Presiding
United States District Court
Northern District of Florida
111 N Adams Street
Tallahassee, Fl 32301
Chris Walters, )
vs. )
Judith McCall )
CIV NO CV-97-AR-1802-S
Cancer Patient Instructed-Too Slap a Cop to
Get Something to Eat-August 1997
This link concerns"Barbecue Bob" Aka State Attorney General Bob Butterworth known nationally
as "Barbecue Bob" for his work with Florida Electric Chair. Reportedly worked behind the scenes to help win Florida ruling for disabled cancer patient requiring surgery to slap a
police officer upside of the head as part of his campaign against medicaide fraud. This should give you some insight as to what the medical, welfare, and legal system was doing
instead of arranging minor surgery for cancer in 1996.
First and 2nd Kings: King Ahab; Jezebel
VS Elijah, Elisha, and King Jehu
In The Christian Bible are the books of First and 2nd Kings which concern a 2 generation battle
between King Ahab his wife Jezebel the head witch; the 400 prophets of Baal and Elijah, Elisha,
and King Jehu. The book is full of signs and wonders as God proves again and again whose God
is God and eventually ends with the destruction of King Ahab; Jezebel; and the 400 prophets of Baal.
After the show down on Mount Carmel where the 400 prophets of Baal were executed God commissioned
King Jehu fulfill his word against Ahab and Jezebel including the death of their entire family;
the destruction of Baalism in Israel. As King Jehu fulfilled everything God commanded his children
sat on the thrown of Israel for 3 generations.
Jonestown Massacre If We
Get Caught 900 Have To Die
Jones Town After 25 Year AP The Reverend Jim Jones and his hand picked hoodlums
killed over 900 persons and a US Congressman Leo Ryan after being caught stealing welfare benefits from followers....
Mon Nov 17, 7:54 PM ET Add U.S. National - AP
By MICHELLE LOCKE, Associated Press Writer
OAKLAND, Calif. - Twenty-five years later, understanding the tragedy of Jonestown hasn't grown easier.
"It's still an enigma what happened? How can we stop this from happening again?" says Jynona Norwood,
who lost 27 relatives the night Jim Jones ordered more than 900 of his followers to drink cyanide stirred
into fruit punch at the group's compound in the jungle of Guyana in South America.
On Tuesday, Norwood, a Los Angeles pastor, will mark the 25th anniversary of the tragedy with her annual memorial
service beside a mass grave in Oakland where more than 400 victims are buried. Norwood never joined Jones' Peoples
Temple, but her mother and scores of other relatives did. They were drawn by Jones' preaching of interracial harmony
and caring for the poor. Jones was a political favorite, too, becoming chair of the San Francisco Housing Authority
in 1976.
There were reports of fake healings and beatings, but followers stayed loyal. "After you've been in an environment that perpetuates that kind of craziness, you don't see it as odd or strange," says Yulanda Williams, who was able to escape with her immediate family months before the massacre. "We were sick, yet we didn't know we were sick."
Jones retreated to Guyana in 1978, taking about 1,000 followers with him. Later that year, Rep. Leo Ryan led a delegation of journalists and relatives of temple members to Jonestown. Some members chose to leave with him and the party was ambushed at the airstrip; Ryan and four others were killed. Back at the compound, Jones ordered his followers to die, starting with the infants.
Most victims were poisoned, some forcibly. Some were shot by security guards.Remembering Jonestown is hard, but important, said Norwood, who is campaigning to
What Does A Holy God Require?
The eyes of the Lord are everwhere seeing the deepest secrets of the human heart to the most distant star; nothing is hidden from
the Lord. Do you attend Church on Sunday and operate a "Christian Ministry" and hire convict labor to run it instead of giving your
due and honorable service to God? Is your Ministry a place of service to the less fortunate or part of a multibillion dollar a year
cottage industry which thrives on the abuse of others?
Matthew Chapter 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will
of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name
drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
This study group has been undertaken under color of UN Human Rights Treaty and jurisdictions and venue are exclusive
to the United Nations laws and treaties